Tuesday 20 June 2017

Editing Sequence

editing is where a video clip or photo is being changed/ altered. It can be done by hand editing or manual editing or can even use computers to add visual effects. You can hand edit clips by dipping the developed film into a dye to change the clips colour or even using a pen to use on the film. Editing also includes splicing of clips and shots together within a sequence to create a bigger scene. Editing was first discovered by Georges Melies. He discovered editing when he ran out of film when doing a shot and when he began to record again, he realised that something else was in the shots place and then realised that he could cut footage. Editing enables people to place clips together through different transitions, for example: cuts, fades, wipes and dissolve. Cuts are common within editing, as they are used to insert every shot together to make a scene. Within editing, fades are mainly used at the start and finish of films to either establish incoming shots or to give the scene a smooth transition. Fades are also used to passing of time or a different location, for example, in Star Wars, they use the fade transition to show the audience that they has been a passing of time or a different location. Wipes within editing are rarely used. Wipes can be used to mask around objects or people in a scene while they are moving. Dissolves are used when there is a change of time or location or change of pace within a sequence.

Film and digital footage
Film was the first discovery when recording footage. It was discovered that showing multiple frames of images in an order can make the images look like they are moving. Film can still be used in the film industry but now that film industry have discovered digital, digital has become more popular and is able to increase in quality and is cheaper than film. As modern cameras are becoming more advanced, the cameras that were made before are becoming cheap as they are not as advanced as the new modern cameras. For example, the Arri Alexa camera is the most popular camera used for shooting films.

Visual analysis of a clip
Visual analysis of Wolf Of Wall Street. The one thing that is quickly identified is the main protagonist within the introduction clip. Within the clip, the main protagonist is identified to be the only man in the clip that have a lot of on screen time and most of the shots are close ups. This tells the audience that this man is the main character of the film as all of the shots only follow him and not any other characters in the clip. The only shot that cuts away from the main protagonist is where he is being re-establish to location which he is in. The re-establishing shot of him getting into the limo and then the arrival at the new building allows the audience to be shown a change of scenery which keeps the flow of the continuity of the clip rather than him just getting into the limo then having the next shot of him in the location. This would make the audience confused on how he got to the new location. The flow of continuity allows the illusion that it is happening together rather than having a constructed piece of text for the audience. Within the clip, there are wide range of different shots used, such as medium and close up shots, but they never go further than a medium shot which enables the focal point to be kept on the main protagonist.

This clips shows the main protagonist interacting with the audience by talking to the camera and to keep the audience entertained. This allows the clip to be more entertaining and draws the audiences attention  even though there is nothing major happening within the clip. Within the clip, the main protagonist is explaining his life. This allows the audience to understand him and enables the audience to connect with him as he is the main character within the film. The close up also amplifies the connection the audience will feel. Within the clip where the main character is cutting the cocaine, the use of a low aperture is used to focus on the object and emphasizes to the audience on how important it is to the main character. The clip from 0:37 - 1:00 uses a lot of match on actions for close ups of the main character performing different types of actions. The match on actions allows the cut shots to have better angles and so that close ups don't lose the flow of continuity. If there is no continuity, within the clip it may seem like the character has performed the action again or may seem it has skipped the action. The continuity still happens through multiple shots where the main character throws money ($100 dollar bill) into the bin. The shots that are used within the clip and actions performed in it tells the audience that the main character is very wealthy. Also when he smashes the glass, his emotion shows that he does not care about it. With the limo, company, big house and the close up shot on the money shows that the main character within the film has a large amount of money. With the shot of the main character throwing a $100 dollar bill in the bin tells the audience that as he is so rich, he disregards it and shows little attachment to it.

Within this clip, the long shot that is used shows the sizeof the office and the amount of people who respect and admire the main character. This tells the audience that the main character is an important person due to the people who are excited and glad to see him. This is an important shot within the clip as it shows the audience how much power he has without the use of a close up shot or worms eye view. This shot would also make the audience think that the main character is a good person due to the people respecting him. At 0:26, the clip cuts out the sound and has a non dietetic sound which keeps the audience to feel positive and diverged into the film. This also supports the continuity of the scene as the music within the background adds a certain atmosphere to the film. You can also notice that there are no fades within the clip which means there no changes in times as the car shows the main character travelling to the office. However there is a change of location but the only editing transition needed is a cut. With the car journey, it shows the whole journey and a fade is not needed as a establishing shot can be used.

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